The Longest Journey Begins with a Single Step 2014
Commissioned by RPGA Studio
Photo credits Deborah Wasserman and Phil Ballman
Travers Park, Queens, New York
Entering motherhood about nine years ago, I started thinking about ways in which I can incorporate the experience of motherhood into my artwork. I am fascinated by the ideas of mapping, journey, travel and the passage of time and often utilize suitcases, images of airports, photos of tourists and landscapes to invoke the narrative of travel.
I have been collecting my girl’s shoes since they were born. The shoes ‘track’ the growth of my children (ages 0-9) and they also connote walking, a movement forward. The shoes represent the journey (in time and space) that my children are taking, as they continually grow and mature. They also represent my own journey as a mother, the witness who documents, accompanies and marvels in their journey.